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矯正專家 陸大衛 博士
美國空軍主治牙醫 哥倫比亞矯正研究院.

八大道牙科矯正中心接受各種醫療保險,包括Medicaid; Our office accept all insurances, including Medicaid for orthodontic treatment.

857 60th Street (Between 8th and 9th Ave. )
Brooklyn, New York, NY 11220
Phone: 718-853-0253
Fax: 718-853-0260

(60街 857號,八和九大道之間 ,紐約布魯克林)  

你的醫生陸大衛醫學博士, 是頜面矯形和牙齒矯正的專家。是布魯克林區唯一有矯正專科執照的華人醫生。他以名列前五名毕业于費城天普大学牙医学院,獲得牙科醫學博士學位。随之进入美国空军高级牙医培训班,在华盛顿、洛杉矶和土耳其任空军主治牙医,陸醫生在哥伦比亚大学矯正研究院三年研究,取得牙齿矯正专科学位。对牙列畸形,咬合错位的诊断和治疗有丰富的经验。充分掌握了复杂的治疗技术和方法,包括颌面正畸和手术矫形。在牙科各领域具有十多年的經驗,並获得过牙医专業的若干獎项。陸醫生秉持目前牙齒矯正領域的最高標準,并通过继續深造追求盡善盡美。

Dr. David Luk is the only Chinese Board Certified Orthodontist in Brooklyn. After graduating from Temple University School of Dental Medicine in top 5% of his class he entered an Advanced Education in General Dentistry in the United State Air force, and later received his orthodontic degree from Columbia University. With over 15 years of experience in all facets of dentistry and received several awards throughout his career. He remains very passionate about creating healthy and beautiful smiles and the pursuit of excellence through continual learning.

隱形矯正 Invisalign
舌側矯正 Lingual Braces

What We Offer:
We offer various types of treatment for both children and adults. Many options are available including metal braces, clear braces, and Self-ligating braces. We also provide less visible options such as Invisalgn and Lingual braces.
1. 服務: 受過良好訓練的醫護人員熱情而又專業的高品質的服務。
2. 誠信:提供最適合的治療方案,而不是以功利為主。
3. 經驗:陸醫生受過最高的醫學教育和專業訓練,是美國國家矯正委員會認證的矯正醫師。1999年獲得牙醫學博士學位,共受過8年正規的口腔醫學教育,包括空軍高级牙医培训班和哥倫比亞大學牙齒及口腔外科學院。
4. 高科技:舒適的診療環境,全數字化和現代化的最新醫療設備。
5. 方便:地理位置適中,是八大道唯一一家專科齒列矯正診所。

Why Choose Superlative Smiles:
1. Quality and service:We offer a high level of service with a friendly, compassionate staff. You are the most important part of our practice and we will treat as such.
2. Integrity : We will give you all the options and do what is right for you instead of what is expedient.
3 Experience:Dr Luk has received a total of 8 years of top notch dental education, including Air Force training and Columbia University orthodontics. He began his dental career in 1999 after obtaining a doctorate in dental medicine, and culminating in becoming a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics.
4. State of the art practice : We are a fully digital practice with modern, comfortable environment and hi-tech armamentarium such as digital radiography, self-ligating brackets and temporary anchorage devices.
5. Convenience : Only Board Certified Orthodontist in the neighborhood.Easily accessible with convenient hours. We accept most insurances including Medicaid.

Welcome 歡迎
We, at Superlative Smiles,are always enthusiastic in welcoming new patients. Doctor will perform initial examination and discuss treatment options, time frames, and financial arrangements and determine the most appropriate and individualized treatment to best fit your orthodontic needs. we will always answer any questions that you may have.

Our Mission 我們的使命 :
我們 提供誠信、尊重和高品質的服務,為患者創建健康、持久的超級笑容。這不僅僅是把牙齒矯直,而是醫生和患者形成互相尊敬和溫暖關愛的關系;同時提供高品質的、最適合於您的治療。我們很榮幸有機會為您服務。我們的目的是讓您擁有最美的笑容,改變您的人生。
We strive to serve you with compassion, integrity and commitment to excellence. It is much more than just straight teeth. It is individualized care, superior service, and doing what's right for our clients through fostering a friendly, fun atmosphere. We cultivate mutual respect, warmth and caring through high quality treatment. In so doing, we aspire to make a positive difference in the lives of those whom we are privileged to treat.

Dr. David Luk, DMD, MS
Board Certified Orthodontist

857 60th Street, Between 8th and 9th Ave.
Brooklyn, New York, NY 11220
Phone: 718-853-0253
Fax: 718-853-0260
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